PHP 5.3 + How To Completely Destroy Session Variables In PHP

[contentblock id=300squaretextlink] [contentblock id=300squareimagelink] The Sessions Bonanza By default sessions are stored on the disk your server, you can find out the path by echo-ing for the attribute session.save_path: echo ini_get( “session.save_path” ); (You can change that path in php.ini) PHP Sessions are destroyed automatically when you close your browser. But what if you want… Read more PHP 5.3 + How To Completely Destroy Session Variables In PHP

The In and Outs Of The Famous HTML5 Switch

A platform change decision comes down to how much value you get (or the cost of not changing) vs. the cost of the change. For most people the cost of switching to HTML5 will be trivial, so the long-term benefit of merely being ready to use more features is enough payoff…

Linux + Netbeans 6.9.1 Issue + AutoCompletion Freezing Each Time For NameSpace\Class

Netbeans 6.9.1 Auto Completion Freezing While using Netbeans 6.9.1 on linux, I frequently encountered the frustration of seeing the IDE freeze on auto-completing classes, specially when using PHP 5.3 / Namespace structuring. I have googled a lot about it and have not come across any solution for this and the version 6.9.1 has no updates… Read more Linux + Netbeans 6.9.1 Issue + AutoCompletion Freezing Each Time For NameSpace\Class

Linux Mint + How To Install APC And Configure APC On Xampp – APC caching extension

[contentblock id=300squaretextlink] [contentblock id=300squareimagelink] To install APC (APC caching extension) for Xampp on your Linux Mint or Ubuntu distro, just follow the steps below: # cd apc (to your apc folder you just extracted) # sudo /opt/lampp/bin/phpize # ./configure –enable-apc –with-apxs –with-php-config=/opt/lampp/bin/php-config # make # sudo make install Next Step is to edit you php.ini… Read more Linux Mint + How To Install APC And Configure APC On Xampp – APC caching extension

Linux Mint + Xampp + phpize + Cannot find autoconf. Please check your autoconf installation and the $PHP_AUTOCONF environment variable

This yet another phpize error might happen when you run phpize to install an extension to Xampp. If your bash terminal complains about the error: “Cannot find autoconf. Please check your autoconf installation and the $PHP_AUTOCONF environment variable“, then it possibly means that you do not have autoconf installed on your machine. How To Know… Read more Linux Mint + Xampp + phpize + Cannot find autoconf. Please check your autoconf installation and the $PHP_AUTOCONF environment variable