What Is This About?
- This is about winning a (two giveaways) free ticket to attend a premium online PHP talk by a PRO PHPer, organized by NomadPHP.com scheduled for Wednesday 22nd May 2013
- You do not have to travel, you just have to sit in front of your pc!
What Is NomadPHP?

- NomadPHP is like a virtual PHP User Group mainly for people who do not have the chance to avail of a local PHP user group. But it is open to ANYONE around the world.
- NomadPHP is an initiative brought forward by the icon of The PHP Community, namely ‘His Awesomeness’ Mr Cal Evans.
- It will kick-start its first group talk session on the Wednesday 22nd May 2013 (i.e in some 16 days as from the date of this post)
Who Will Be The Speaker Of NomadPHP May 2013 Session
- The speaker is the PRO PHP Guy / PRO Zend Framework Evangelist and author of the book Zend Framework in action, Rob Allen.
- Rob will be introducing and talking about Zend Framework 2 – it is a must for anyone willing to learn ZF 2
- Read the whole announcement over at NomadPHP May 2013 – Rob Allen
How To Win The Free Ticket
You can participate in BOTH of them to increase your chance of winning

OPTION 1 => Via Email
Basically this is for people on my email list. But if you are reading this, you can participate too by doing the following:
- FIRST – join the free mailing list of NomadPHP AND follow 7php on Twitter
- THEN – Just send me an email at nomadphp@7php.com with a small (optional) feedback on what you think of 7php.com
- You will be assigned the number of your email’s rank in my inbox for this issue – email are ordered by first received
- I will then make a random draw for the lucky number (with the max number being the total number of email sent)
OPTION 2 => Write A PHP Article
- FIRST – join the free mailing list of NomadPHP AND follow 7php on Twitter
- THEN – Write a nice PHP oriented article for 7php.com
- Your article should be original + useful
- The best article wins its author the ticket
NOTE: This 2nd option stands true if there’s at least 2 participants. In case requirement not met, I will think of something else.
All the best!
=> I will make the draw and finalise things TWO days BEFORE the talk, that is on the Sunday 19th May 2013 (event done, winners on link below)
UPDATED: And The Winners Were..
I announced the winners here in this follow-up article: Things You Don’t Know About NomadPHP + The ‘After-First-Talk’ Of NomadPHP – Features 5 interviews with The Organizer, The Speaker & 3 Attendees